Monday, October 3, 2016

The Journal (4)

The next day...

"Wednesday the 4th day of April 1792"

"The Convention met according to Adjournment"

"The Convention according to the order of the day resolved itself into a Committee of the whole to take into farther consideration the matters to them referred.  Mr. Garrard was elected to the Chair and after sometime the President resumed the Chair and the Chairman reported that the Committee of the whole had taken into their farther consideration the matters to them referred and had made some farther progress therein but not having time to go thro' the same had directed him to move for leave to sit again, which was granted."

"Resolved That this Convention will Tomorrow again resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to take into their farther consideration the matters to them referred."

Wonder what it would have been like to be a fly on the wall.  Remember they were discussing "An Act concerning the erection of the District of Kentucky into an Independent State".  This Act was passed 18th day of December 1789 by the Assembly of the State of Virginia.  This Convention in Danville had been four years in the making.

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