It was the summer of 1779 that the "Illinois Campaign" had help neutralize the British forces north of the Ohio River. A fellow who had been involved in this campaign was named Walker Daniel. Along with his younger brother Thomas, he explored and surveyed land on the south side of the Ohio. On May 20, 1780 he files a land entry for 960 acres on "Holders Creek", and for an additional 960 acres on May 25, 1780 on "Holders Creek". [To become Jefferson Co.] His younger brother explored further south recording 400 acres on "Stoners Fork" and 2000 acres on "Green River". This was the beginning of the Walker's family involvement in this new land that was to contain the city of Danville.
The records can be found in "Land Entry Book No. A", Cook, M.I., Cook, B.A., Fincastle & Kentucky County VA - KY, Records and History, Vol. I, p. 141, Cook Publications, EvansvilIe, IN, 1987.
The whole story can be found in the book (cover shown below):
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