Thursday, December 13, 2012

The First Map 1784

"Daniel Boon", "Levi Todd", and "James Harrod" were called together to witness an introduction to the new best seller titled: "The Discovery, Settlement, and Present State of Kentucky", by John Filson.  This witness was dated May 12, 1784.  They state:

 (we) "...have carefully revifed it, and recommend it to the public as an exceeding good performance, containing as accurate a defeription of our country as we think can poffibly be given:...".

This text contained the first map published by Henry D. Pursell, and printed by T. Rook (Philadelphia) in the year 1784.  The following is taken from this map giving the title image:

It states that the map is drawn from actual observations.  The next figure shows a copy of the area around "Danville", 1784. 

This was certainly a central location in 1784.  The busiest place seems to be the "Lower Dutch" station, where at least six trails connect here.  Clark's Run, a branch of the Dick's River, comes just south Danville.  A careful inspection of the map indicates that Danville is represented as a "station" with a number of other "stations" surrounding it. [Clark's, Irvin's, Caldwall's...etc.]  Reed's is identified as a dwelling house and mill.  A number of dwelling houses are shown around the station labeled Danville.  It would be another three years before it became the town of Danville.

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